Monday, October 25, 2010

Brandon Lee - The Crow: Eric Draven, "Church"

Brandon Lee - The Crow: Church

Portrait, 8 1/2 x 11 in
Lead on Paper

In 1994 Bruce Lee's son Brandon Lee defined the term 'badass' for countless generations to come in "the role of a lifetime" - The Crow, which literally cost him his life.  A stunt in the film went tragically wrong and Brandon ultimately payed the cost for that mistake.  Though he has passed on, Brandon has left a legacy behind him that has spawned countless movie sequels, comics and even a television show.  Every college kid in the country has a Dali painting and a Crow poster hanging somewhere on their walls.  But it wasn't the scary face paint that captivated us all so much, it was the humanity inside of this menacing droopy faced clown facade.  Like I said before though - he did after all define cool to me when I was a kid and I couldn't help but draw a nice menacing stalk which nicely sums up the film, though I feel there's a little unfinished business with Brandon.  Look for another more personal portrait of him coming sometime in the future...

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